Gutfull - Episode 3, You're Not Alone

December 15, 2021

Gutfull - Episode 3, You're Not Alone

Available on: Audible (Free)
Length: 17 minutes

Your gut is home to 100's of species of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms

Key players in our physical and mental health

The germ theory of disease

Our goal is to stop the harmful ones but we must make sure we don't throw out the good ones

Many things you can do to improve your gut biome, not just your gut health but your physical and mental health

Your mental and physical health are really affected by your gut microbiome

There are some interesting bugs that occur along the gut:

  • Stomach ulcers caused by stress: Helicobacter pylori
    • Causes inflammation of the stomach for some people, Excess production of stomach acid and ultimately ulcers
    • For others it doesn't cause any issues...
    • Fortunately it is treatable by antibiotics

There aren't many bacterium that can live in the stomach

Part of the role of the stomach is to kill any potentially deadly bacteria coming in with our food

If you vomit soon after eating the suspected food within an hour or 2, it's likely you ingested toxins produced by the pathogen or just really high numbers of the pathogen in the food

If you're running to the loo with diahrea, the pathogens have made it down to your colon and your body is trying to eliminate the intruders by contracting the gut quickly (cramping). This prevents the absorption of water but gives diahhrea as the result. Research is not conclusively clear

Diahrrea seems to be the bodies way of eliminating the pathogen and flushing it out

Loperamide is a long acting antidiarrheal used to control nonspecific diarrhea and chronic diarrhea caused by inflammatory bowel disease, or gastroenteritis.

Most of your bacteria in the guy live in the colon

24,000,000 million bacterical genes in the oral microbiome

22,000,000 million bacterial genes in the gut biome

Humans have around 20,000-25,000 genese as a comparison

Crucial to our health. We benefit from their health and precense. Symbiotic relationships. Mutually beneficial relationship.

2 thing stand out:

  • Diversity of gut bugs is better
  • Wnat our bugs to be producting short change fatty acid (buturate). This has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects within the gut promote a healthy gut barrier lining, singal benefical changes in the immune systems, help to prevent pathogens taking hold, improve glood glucose control and it even helps to dampen your appetite

What to each to promote diveristy and hight buturate levels

A gold star to achieve both is resistant starch. This is starch that cannot be broken down by our own human enzymes and so reaches the colon where it is rapidly fermented producing buturate and other things.

Get your gutfull - Where to find resisted starch

Firm bananas - eat them when the skin is still slightly green.

You'll also find resistant starch in legumes. Beans, chicpeas and lentins feature again. They really are nutritiounal stars, so aim to include them. Every other day is a good guide. If you get farty, this is due to you not having them frequently enough so your gut biome have a party when they get consumed. If you eat these foods regularly enough your gut microbiome will relax. Try just eating a spoonful to start and progress upwards.

wholegrains also contain resistant starch, particularly when you eat them uncooked. Porridge in the winter but you will get more reistant starch by eating your oats raw

A lack of reisstant starch is contributing to our high levels of bowel cancer and other chronic deseases. We are only eating 3-9g a day when we should be eating 15-20g a day for good gut health.

BarleyMax has very veyr high levels of resistant starch.

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